Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft Teams Book Box Shot

Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft Teams eBook (Worth $21) for Free

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Microsoft Teams is a powerful collaboration tool that helps keep teams connected and productive, even when members are dispersed. But with so many features, it’s hard to know where to start.

That’s where Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft Teams comes in. This eBook from Wiley Publishing gives you an in-depth look at Microsoft Teams and shows you how to get the most out of it, step-by-step.

The Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft Teams ebook, originally priced at $21, is currently available as a free download until July 12.

This all-inclusive manual was written with one goal in mind: to assist you in realizing Microsoft Teams’ full potential and making the most of its features.

Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft Teams ebook Cover

Key Highlights of the Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft Teams ebook:

Designed to cater to visual learners who prefer concise demonstrations over lengthy explanations, this ebook presents each topic using clear, sequential instructions complemented by vibrant screenshots.

These visuals serve as your visual compass, illuminating each step along the way. Also, the ebook also includes invaluable tips and tricks to enhance productivity and enjoyment throughout your team’s Microsoft Teams journey.

Microsoft Teams revolutionizes remote work and online meetings, providing unparalleled accessibility and productivity. Its user-friendly design and wealth of features make it an ideal choice for fostering teamwork when used to its fullest potential.

With over 100 million users worldwide, this virtual collaboration software is the focal point of the ebook, expertly written by Microsoft professionals and authors Matt Wade and Sven Seidenberg.

Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft Teams Book

The ebook boasts an extensive collection of high-quality, full-size photos and detailed walkthroughs, empowering you to:

  • Use Teams’ chat and video conferencing features to stay connected with colleagues and fully leverage their benefits.
  • Efficiently manage multiple teams and channels, allowing seamless integration of Teams throughout your organization.
  • Enhance Teams’ capabilities through the use of third-party tools and plugins.
  • Discover best practices, helpful suggestions, and solutions to maximize your Teams experience while avoiding potential pitfalls.

How to get the Free Ebook:

  1. To access this complimentary resource, simply visit the .
  2. Enter your email address and click the “Download” button.
  3. Returning users will need to enter their login information,
  4. If this is your first time, please take a moment to fill out a short form.
  5. Following this, TradePub will promptly send a download link to your inbox.
  6. The ebook will also be available in your TradePub library.
  7. Act swiftly, as this offer expires on July 12, 2023.