Today Mark Shuttleworth revealed name of the next version of popular Ubuntu operating system. Ubuntu 11.10 the successor of Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) will be code-named as Oneiric Ocelot.
The name ‘Ocelot’ refers to the leopard-like cat and the word ‘Oneiric‘ refers to dreaming. According to Mark Oneiric means “dreamy” and the combination with Ocelot reminds of how innovation happens ‘Part Daydream, Part Discipline’.
Mark states that Ubuntu 11.10 is planned for October release and the desktop version has Unity 2DÂ experience, the OpenGL based Unity does not have the hardware required for it to run. Also he states that next version after 11.10 will be 12.04 which will be a LTS (Long Term Support) version.