Mozilla labs Officially unveiled Test Pilot Program by releasing an addon to Firefox 3.5, which is also compatible to recent nightly build 3.6a1pre .
What is Test Pilot program ?
“Test Pilot is an opt-in program that everyone on the Web can join to improve the Web experience by participating in usability related tests. When you install the Test Pilot add-on, you will automatically become a Mozilla Labs’ Test Pilot, and you will receive the notice for upcoming tests. You will have the option to quit tests or leave the platform. If the test requires you to install a new feature or product, the platform will ask for your permission. At the end of these experiments, you can choose whether or not to submit your test data,” explained Mozilla.
In short this program allow participants to test Mozill ideas or newest features and share feedback.
How this addon will Work?
Test Pilot Firefox 3.5 add-on, automatically allows to you join the programme and gives you notice for
upcoming tests. After the installation,the addon it will ask some information like the OS you are using, location ( just country), type of hardware, other web browsers you used… e.t.c .
For More detail Info :
You can participate in the test, or ignore it. You can also quit tests or leave programme entirely. If you completed a test, before submitting report to Mozilla lab, the “test pilots” are given a chance to review the test data collected.
What is this for You?
If your are web developer and want to contribute to Mozilla Community, Mozilla is looking for Firefox users of all levels of skill and technical knowledge to help improve Firefox.For others you can try it to know what are the future features of Firefox.
Test Pilot 0.1.1 addon :
Official webpage
More Details about the Project: