MP3myMP3 Recorder is a simple utility to record Internet radio broadcasts and saves those files in to MP3 or WAV formats in real time.It can
Google News Timeline : great way to view news
It seems there is no stopping for Google,after presenting the option to find similar images, now we have to talk about Goolge News Timeline,a experiment
Google Similar Images : search for similar images
After some time, Google has released yesterday a new feature called Google Similar Images, which gives us the ability to search for images similar to
Get $29.95 worth Paragon Drive Copy 9 Special Edition for FREE!
After $29.95 worth Paragon Total Defrag 2009 and $39.95 worth Paragon Drive Backup 9 Free promotional offers from paragon , here is yet another exciting
AVG LinkScanner : AVG Free plugin for browsers
AVG Technologies released a free plugin for web browsers called AVG LinkScanner, With it, users can have the advantage of using technology provided by the
Get Free $40 worth Onspeed Premium Web accelerator
Here is another Promotional offer or freebie set by Indian software portal Yuva Yantra,where it is offering free $40 worth genuine one year license for
PersonalWebKit : Create websites without knowing HTML
Many times, I have felt motivated to write an article on how to build your own website in few steps, without knowing HTML programming,but today
Favikon : Create your own Favicon
Favikon is a simple online tool that lets create your own favicon in just 3 steps.Favicons are tiny images that show up next to a
India's spy satellite RISAT 2 placed in orbit
After Lunar Mission(Chandrayaan-1),India on Monday achieved another milestone in space with the launch of spy satellite RISAT-2 from the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) center
Kon-Boot : Access any PC without Knowing Password
There are times when you may need to access a computer but you don’t know the password – this can include running an old machine