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Microsoft 365 Portable Genius eBook for Free [Worth $12]

Microsoft 365 Portable Genius Box Art

Microsoft 365 Portable genius ebook is a brilliant guide to get better at Microsoft 365 apps.

Microsoft 365, which used to be called Office 365, lets you use the Microsoft Office software suite for as long as you pay for it.


Wiley, the book’s publisher, charges $12 for this ebook. Now, it is free for a limited time, but only for a short time.

Visit to claim your free copy of the ebook.

Complete the form by entering your name, email address, or by linking your Linkedin account, and then click “Download.”

This freebie or giveaway is valid until Feburary 2, 2022.

Suites of apps built to function together, such as Microsoft 365, offer numerous advantages, including a unified user interface, shared commands and features, and a powerful collection of tools that enables you to communicate effectively and fully express your creativity. Nonetheless, some users may find the hundreds—if not thousands—of options and features overwhelming.

This Portable Genius ebook aims to help you answer 11 key questions you may come up against when using the top four 365 apps—Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

The book covers the features that you need to know, along with some others that you should want to know.

Microsoft 365 Portable Genius  Features:

Whether you have used Office in the past or are new to its subscription successor Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 Portable Genius provides the expert guidance you need to work smarter in Microsoft 365.

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