It’s August 15th – The Independence Day for Indians.On behalf of Team360 member’s I wish Happy Independence Day to all Indians!
It is the day to salute our Freedom Fighters, We offer our sincere thanks to all known and unknown martyrs.Their sacrifices always inspire us.
If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India!” –French scholar Romaine Rolland
Here is small SMS:
31 States,
1618 Languages,
6400 Castes,
6 Religion,
6 Ethnic Groups,
29 Major festivals
& 1 Country!
Be Proud to be an Indian!
Happy Independence Day………
Ha, it’s time to check out flag-hosting ceremony in my street, did i forgot my national anthem ? No
National Anthem of India
Jaana Gaana Maana Adhinayaka Jayehe
Bharata bhagya vidhata;
Punjaba Sindhu Gujarata Maratha,
Dravida Utkala Banga,
Vindhya, Himachala, Jamuna, Ganga,
Ucchhala Jaladhitaranga;
Taba Shubha Naame Jaage
Taba Shubha Ashish Maage
Gaye taba jaya gaatha.
Jaana Gaana Maana Adhinayaka Jayahe
Bharata bhagya vidhata;
Jaya he Jaye he
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya he.
I’m not an Indian, but congratulations! I hope there’s plenty of celebration for you today.