Downloand DriverMax 5.6

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DriverMax is a small & free windows utility that increases your system performance by downloading  latest driver updates for your computer. DriveMax is rated as best free windows Drivers updating program, it can provide updates to almost all manufacturers.

Not only it provides driver updates, but also it allows you to back up your windows drivers and restore them after reinstalling Windows. Although it is a freeware, but you need to register a free DriverMax account to get registration key. After installing the software, click ‘Not registered icon’ then select I like to have a new account, fill required details and validated your DriverMax account.
When you run the app, DriverMax will index and display a full report of all installed drivers on your system in a webpage where you can check and download latest version updates. The only (main) draw back of this freeware is it allows you to download 2 driver downloads per day.DriverMax is compatible with Windows 7 (32 bit & 64 bit), Windows Vista and Windows XP.

Download : DriverMax 5.6 [3.7 MB]