Similar to Norton safe web Bitdefender launched an application for Facebook called ‘BitDefender Safe Go ‘. Although the app is in beta stage but still better than Norton Safe Web in Graphical Interface and enhancing your Facebook account Privacy.
The main intention of this app is it scans your Facebook Home page/ wall page to prevent potentially Harmful links that spread viruses or malware that may infect your friends or friends of friends computers. Also the app suggest the loop holes in your profile settings that may reveal your private information.
Using BitDefender Safego :
While logging in to your Facebook account visit BitDefender Safego app page, click on ‘Okidokie! Let’s See the App’ and allow the app to use your Facebook account information. Now you will be Forwarded to the main BitDefender Safego app page, the top right box provides statistics of scanned items, infected items and links in your facebook account, click ‘double check’ to run a scan.
The other box deals with your Facebook account privacy setting, the meter shows how secure is your account and suggest the items that require your attention. Click ‘lock’ icon to adjust your profile settings. The rest boxes shows the results of last scanned items, infected item and status of your wall page.
Finally at bottom of the page you will notice three switches/options which are turned off by default, you can turn on by clicking ‘on’. The first option Scan My Inbox is an upcoming feature and the rest two options allows the app to automatically post a warning on your wall when a threat is detected.
Also you can find ‘BitDefender Safego’ on your homepage in left column under create groups, on clicking the icon it will scan your your wall page, privacy setting and makes suggestions.
My view :
As the app still in beta stage, we cannot nail any issues with the app. But I find the at peak traffic scanning and loading of the app page is slow. I hope the final version of app will be useful with improvements and all its ‘Coming Soon’ features implemented